Screenplay Adaptation Consultation

Informal Q&A or consultation with adaptation specialist John Robert Marlow; for writers considering adaptation to feature or series format

TED’s Adaptation Consultation service provides a fast, low-cost means for fiction and nonfiction writers to get insightful answers and personalized insights about how books and other stories become movies, which stories are best suited for adaptation, and what will likely be involved in translating their particular tale for the screen. This service is also suitable for those wanting hands-on help in adapting, planning, writing, editing, or pitching a screenplay themselves.

Consultation sessions are typically conducted by phone, and always with TED’s Director of Development and screenplay adaptation specialist John Robert MarlowIn addition to being an award-winning novelist and Academy-honored screenwriter, John literally wrote the book on adaptations—Make Your Story a Movie: Adapting Your Book or Idea for Hollywood—which draws on the experiences of authors, screenwriters, directors, producers, and others whose films have earned a collective total of more than $50 billion.

No charge for first 15 minutes; $75 per hour thereafter.

Screenplay adaptation consultations typically take less than 1 week.

Please visit our online welcome centercall us at 520.546.9992, or email