Logline, Query Letter, Pitch, and Synopsis Writing

Ghostwriting services for summary and pitch materials used in submissions

Are you ready to start shopping your novel or nonfiction manuscript to agents and publishers? Or perhaps you’re already submitting, but not getting the read requests you want? In either case, we can provide expertly crafted pitch materials to help you and your work make the best first impression.

John Robert Marlow is a traditionally published author (fiction and nonfiction) and professional screenwriter who has studied the art of pitchcraft and honed it in New York and Hollywood. He specializes in promotional copywriting and brings a wealth of experience to his work in helping authors get from query to publication.

How It Works

John’s process begins with his read of your manuscript, book proposal, or other source material so he can accurately summarize the story and highlight its best and most salable attributes. This read costs .004 (or just under ½ cent) per word and comes with a logline as described below for book-length works. Prices for copywriting include one round of revisions based on your feedback.

Package Pricing: While these services are available individually, we offer package pricing that includes them all for a 15%  discount.  (For a savings of $85.)

Logline: A 1-2 sentence summary of your story concept and its primary hook. This will often appear early in your query and can easily serve as an elevator pitch for use in any situation where you need to provide a quick snapshot of your story.  $75. (No charge with any other service listed on this page.)

Short Summary/Précis: A 1-2 paragraph summary of your story or nonfiction premise and message, suitable for use in query letters and online submission forms. $175

Query Letter: A fully realized query letter to maximize your project’s appeal to agents and publishers. Includes a logline and short summary as described above. $275

Synopsis: A more detailed 1-2 page narrative summation of your story and how it unfolds (including spoilers). $350

Package Price: Includes logline, summary, query, and synopsis. $560

More information about these services is available by contacting Ross Browne in the Tucson office. And please visit the Traditional Publication section of our blog for more ideas and guidance on preparing for your submission process.

Getting Started

Please visit our online welcome center or call us at (520) 546-9992.

“A little talent is a good thing to have if you want to be a writer. But the only real requirement is the ability to remember every scar.”

Stephen King