This can included anything you've written or compiled already--rough draft, outline, story notes, research documentation, or relevant source material currently available for review.
Describe your premise, story, or book idea as concisely as possible, preferably in no more than three paragraphs. (Or use the attachment field below to send us existing documentation.)
Who is the target audience for this project? What kinds of people will it likely resonate with?
Please tell us anything you can about your inspiration to write this particular book and what you’re hoping to accomplish with it.
Please tell us anything we might need to know about your timetable for moving forward with this project, how soon you're wanting to start, how quickly you're hoping to get it done, and if there are any hard or soft deadlines we should be aware of.
Do you have any specific questions or concerns about the ghostwriting or collaboration process?
Is there anything else you would like to tell us?