Insights, suggestions, and guidance from our staff on how books become movies and how we can help to improve your odds of successful book to screen adaptation.

How to Make Your Book a Movie or TV / Streaming Series What Hollywood wants. Why they want it badly. How to maximize your odds of adaptation success.

[by John Robert Marlow]

Humans have always been storytellers. Whether gathered around a campfire, painting on cave walls, or writing words on dead trees or glowing screens—it’s in our blood. Books and other storytelling formats can be noble undertakings, capable of reaching hundreds of thousands and sometimes millions of people. But movies and series are the global […]

By |2025-01-29T14:39:20+00:00December 21st, 2021|Going Hollywood|Comments Off on How to Make Your Book a Movie or TV / Streaming Series What Hollywood wants. Why they want it badly. How to maximize your odds of adaptation success.


[by John Robert Marlow]

So you want your book to be a movie. (Or series.) Who doesn’t, right? Most authors dream about this, but few do more than cross their fingers and hope Hollywood will come knocking. And, hey, sometimes that happens. Usually after the book (or book series) has become hugely successful in its […]

By |2024-01-06T19:58:15+00:00October 18th, 2021|Going Hollywood|Comments Off on ADAPTING YOUR BOOK FOR THE SCREEN: A Hollywood Primer

Is Your Book a Movie? (Part 1) A crash course in book-to-screen adaptation

[by John Robert Marlow]

Is your book a movie? Should it be? How do you get from here to there—and what’s in it for you? Fasten your seatbelt, and let’s rip through this…


Let’s face it: being an author is a noble profession, but reaching the financial pinnacle of our chosen profession requires more […]

By |2024-01-23T20:09:05+00:00October 9th, 2016|Going Hollywood|Comments Off on Is Your Book a Movie? (Part 1) A crash course in book-to-screen adaptation

Is Your Book a Movie? (Part 2) A crash course in book-to-screen adaptation

[by John Robert Marlow]

This blog is part of a series. To see Part 1 and find out what Hollywood wants your story to have, please click here.


book or movie

Most books are not movies.

Many, however, could be movies, if […]

By |2024-01-23T20:04:47+00:00August 24th, 2016|Going Hollywood|Comments Off on Is Your Book a Movie? (Part 2) A crash course in book-to-screen adaptation

Characterization and the Film Adaptation of Jack Reacher

[by Ross Browne]

Can an inherent limitation in the medium of film compel Lee Child to take a seminal character in contemporary fiction to a whole new level?

I remember it like it was yesterday, the conflicting moment during a hotly contested game of Scrabble when I learned that there was finally going to be a movie made […]

By |2024-01-06T22:29:58+00:00October 22nd, 2015|Going Hollywood|Comments Off on Characterization and the Film Adaptation of Jack Reacher
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