Tips, insights, and observations from our editorial staff about the craft of writing memorable characters in popular, mainstream, and literary fiction.

Characters: Making Them Real Tips on making your characters convincing and memorable from editor Renni Browne

Most fiction writers begin a novel or short story by coming up with characters firmly in mind and then building a story around them—or by coming up with a plot and then building characters to play the various roles it requires. It’s not really that simple, of course: an unruly character may at some point dictate a […]

By |2024-01-06T21:52:55+00:00|The Writer’s Craft|Comments Off on Characters: Making Them Real Tips on making your characters convincing and memorable from editor Renni Browne

Characterization and the Film Adaptation of Jack Reacher

[by Ross Browne]

Can an inherent limitation in the medium of film compel Lee Child to take a seminal character in contemporary fiction to a whole new level?

I remember it like it was yesterday, the conflicting moment during a hotly contested game of Scrabble when I learned that there was finally going to be a movie made […]

By |2024-01-06T22:29:58+00:00October 22nd, 2015|Going Hollywood|Comments Off on Characterization and the Film Adaptation of Jack Reacher
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